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    Ivory Mechanikkonzept

    Legal notice and cookies



    The sole owner of the website www.ivory-dent.com is IVORY S.R.L.

    Headquarter: Via Larga, 7, 20122 Milan (Mi), Italy.
    VAT NUMBER: IT09125470964
    FISCAL CODE: IT09125470964
    REA NUMBER: MI-2070259
    Email: ivory@ivory-dent.com


    IVORY AUSTRIA – Commercial office

    1100 Wien, Ɩsterreich

    IVORY ITALY – Main Office, Distribution centre

    61040 Monte Porzio (PU), Italy


    The contract of sale between the Customer and IVORY S.R.L. is established in Italy and is governed by European law. All controversies and civil or criminal actions arising from the interpretation or execution of this contract of distance sale shall be referred exclusively to the Courts of Milan, Italy. IVORY S.R.L. is not connected in any way to named brands. W&HĀ®, KavoĀ®, SiemensĀ®, SironaĀ®, CastelliniĀ®, Tecnomed-ItaliaĀ®, MK-dentĀ® MidwestĀ®, BienairĀ®, BoraĀ®, NSKĀ®, MultiflexĀ®, TKDĀ®, GentleforceĀ®, StarĀ® and LaresĀ® are registered trademarks. All trademarks appearing in this website belong to their respective owners. Trademarks of third parties, product names, commercial names, corporate and company names may be the property of their respective owners or trademarks registered to other companies, and are used here purely for explanatory purposes and in the interests of the owners, with no violation of copyright intended.

    Please read the complete text about the conditions of sale by accessing the link “Conditions of Sale“.


    For what refers to data protection, please read our “Privacy Policy


    For what refers to cookies, please see the full text below

    4.1. Introduction

    This Cookies Policy is for the domain ivory-dent.com and for other web sites of which IVORY S.R.L. is owner and acts as a service provider of registration and sale and as owner of the treatment of Personal Data of users who use the service.

    4.2. What Cookies are and what are they for?

    A cookie is a small text file that a web page sends to the user’s device where it is stored (computer, mobile device, smartphone or tablet) and which is then forwarded to the web page when this user visits it.

    There are several types of cookies and they are distinguished:

    • Depending on the subject that installs them on the user’s device, which may be the same website (first-party cookies) that is being visited or of third-parties (third-party cookies) that act on behalf of the website;
    • According to the purpose of each cookie: some cookies allow, for example, to remember the preferences expressed by the user during the navigation of the website or allow to make a purchase or to authenticate and access to the private area of a site (technical cookies);
    • There are also other types of cookies that allow the website that has installed them to monitor the user’s browsing in order to send advertising and / or offer products according to the user’s preferences during their online browsing (cookies of profiling).

    Only this last type of cookies needs prior consent of the user before its use.

    On the website www.ivory-dent.com (and other websites owned by IVORY S.R.L.) have been installed first and third party technical cookies and profiling cookies and / or other elements of first and third part described below.

    4.3. How to express your consent on profiling cookies?

    When entering for the first time in our web www.ivory-dent.com the user can accept all the cookies doing one of the following actions:

    • Closing the information banner by clicking on the OK;
    • You can read the full text about cookies by accessing it from the same banner;
    • Deny consent to the installation of profiling cookies accessing the full text on cookies (from the same banner) and denying your consent in the link that you will find next to the description of each type of cookie used (option called “Opt -out”);
    • The user can also modify the consent expressed previously, whenever he / she wishes it in his / her next visits to the web page by accessing the link on the cookies policy that you will find in the footer of each menu of our website www.ivory-dent.com;
    • At any time from the configuration of your browser.

    This means that the user can:

    • Manage your preferences about cookies directly from your browser, preventing the installation of cookies;
    • Remove cookies from your browser already installed, including those for which you had already indicated your express consent.

    For more information on how to manage cookies, from the browser consult the information in the following links: Google ChromeMozilla FirefoxApple Safari and Microsoft Windows Explorer.

    For profiling cookies the user can configure their preferences also through the site Your Online Choices  (this system operates for companies that have given their consent and that use profiling cookies).

    4.4. Technical cookies that do not require the user’s prior consent

    Technical cookies are used to ensure the proper functioning of the website and to provide the user with a service or functionality that he has expressly required. They guarantee therefore the logical and fluid navigation in the web page, also allowing to save the preferences of the user and thus optimise their navigation.

    The website www.ivory-dent.com uses both first-hand technical cookies and third-party cookies.

    The technical cookies used in this site can be divided into the following subcategories:

    • Cookies “user input”: session cookies used to have a traceability of the data indicated by the user in the online forms (ex: the forms that exist to place an order to insert the shipping and billing information) or those to store in the shopping cart the products that the user has added.
    • Authentication cookies: cookies used to identify the user after their log-in and allow them to access the content of their private area.
    • Other functionality cookies: these are the cookies used to activate specific functionalities and to memorise the user’s choices about their navigation on the page
    • Cookie consent”: cookie that documents the manifestation of the consent granted by the user on the installation of profiling cookies; they serve so that the user does not have to indicate his consent each time that he enters the site and they have a duration of 12 months.

    4.5. Other types of cookies or tools of third parties that could use them

    Some of the services listed below may not need prior consent or could be managed directly by the third party owner of the service.

    If among the listed services there were services managed by third parties – in addition to what was specified and also without the knowledge of IVORY S.R.L.- these could be traceability and user profiling activities. For more information we advise you to read the privacy policy of the listed services.

    4.5.1. Interaction with social networks and external platforms

    This type of services allows the user to interact with social networks or with other external platforms, directly from our website.

    The interactions and information collected by our website www.ivory-dent.com are subject in any case to the user’s privacy settings on each social network.

    If an interaction service with social networks is configured, it is possible that, even if the user does not use this service, It collects traffic data on the pages on which the service is configured.

    Type and Owner Data Collected Treatment place and Cookies policy
    Facebook Like button and social widget

    The “Like” button on Facebook and the social widgets with interaction services with the social network Facebook, provided by Facebook, Inc.

    Cookies and data of use USA ā€“ Privacy Policy (https://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation)
    “+1” button and Google Plus social widgets

    The “+1” button and the social widgets from Google are interaction services with the Google Plus social network, provided by Google Inc

    Cookies and data of use USA ā€“ Privacy Policy (https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=policies)

    4.5.2. Remarketing and behavioural targeting

    This type of service allows this online space and its collaborators to communicate, optimise and offer advertising based on the use of this website by the user.

    We collect this information by plotting the navigation data and by the use of Cookies, and this information is transferred to our collaborators / suppliers who perform behavioural remarketing and target audience segmentation activities.

    The user can perform l’opt-out in each of the services listed below and / or you can also opt for the exclusion on the receipt of cookies on third-party services by visiting the opt-out page of the Network Advertising Initiative.

    Service and Owner Data Collected Treatment place and Cookies policy
    AdWords Remarketing

    AdWords Remarketing is a remarketing and behavioural targeting service provided by Google Inc. And connects the actions done on this website with the advertising network Adwords and Cookie Doubleclick.

    Cookies and data of use USA ā€“ Privacy Policy  (https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=it) ā€“ Opt Out (https://adssettings.google.com/authenticated)

    4.5.3. Statistics

    The services contained in this section allow the Treatment Holder to monitor and analyse the traffic data and to have a traceability of the user’s navigation.

    Service and Owner Data Collected Treatment place and Cookies policy
    Google Adwords conversions

    Statistics service provided by Google Inc that connects the data collected with Google Adwords ads with actions performed within our online space.

    Cookies and data of use USA ā€“ Privacy Policy (https://policies.google.com/privacy)
    Google Analytics

    Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. Google uses the collected data to trace and analyse how our online space is used, to make reports and share them with the other services developed by Google. Google may use Personal data to contextualise and personalise ads on its own advertising network.

    Cookies and data of use USA ā€“ Privacy Policy  (https://policies.google.com/privacy) ā€“ Opt Out (https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout)
    Facebook Ads. Conversions

    It is a statistical service provided by Facebook Inc. That connects the data from Facebook ads with the actions performed in our online space.

    Cookies and data of use USA ā€“ Privacy Policy (https://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation)

    4.5.4. Performance test of contents and functionalities (A/B testing)

    The services contained in this section allow the owner of the treatment treatments and analyse the response by the user on what relates to navigability, in relation to changes in structure, texts, images or any other element of our online space.

    Service and Owner Data Collected Treatment place and Cookies policy
    Adobe Test&Target

    It is an A / B testing service provided by Adobe System inc.

    Cookies and data of use USA ā€“ Privacy Policy


    Regarding the information collected by the Cookies installed directly by this Website, IVORY S.R.L., as the Owner of the Processing of personal data, wishes to underline what follows:

    • The data are collected exclusively for the indicated purposes and are processed informally;
    • As regard to technical cookies, we remind you that for the use of the tool, the user’s prior consent is not necessary because they are necessary for navigating the site and its correct functioning. In the event that the user deactivates the technical cookies in their browser, navigation on the site www.ivory-dent.com (and others owned by IVORY S.R.L.) may not be possible;
    • The collected data could be communicated to third parties that act or provide services to IVORY S.R.L. as responsible or in charge of the treatment for the purposes related to those indicated;
    • On these data, we remind that the user can exercise the rights granted by art. 7 of the code on privacy, in the way we describe in our information on the Treatment of Personal Data available at any time in the menu “Privacy Policy” in the footer of any menu on the website www.ivory-dent.com (and other websites owned by IVORY S.R.L.).

    Lastly, regarding third-party cookies, we remind you that the cookies collected and their purpose, the clauses on which the processing of data is subject, as well as the preferences / consents expressed by the user about them, are not verified or determined by this online space (website www.ivory-dent.com ) or by IVORY S.R.L., but by the third party who supplies them in title of the Treatment as indicated in the previous tables.

    However, IVORY S.R.L. undertakes to provide the user with continued support in case of doubts about how to exercise their rights and / or express their consent / denial of the cookies.


    Personal Data (or Data)

    It constitutes a Personal Data any information about a natural person, whether identified or identifiable, directly or indirectly, through any reference or other information.

    Data of use

    They are the Personal data collected automatically through the Site (and other IVORY S.R.L. Websites), including: IP addresses or domain names used by the user when accessing our site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses, the time of the request, the method used to make the request to the server, the size of the file received in response, the numeric code that indicates the status of the server’s response (correct, error, etc.), the country of origin, the characteristics of the browser and the operating system; the time spent on the web page and the navigation flow made by the user on the website with special attention to the sequence of the pages consulted.


    The physical person browsing www.ivory-dent.com (and other websites owned by IVORY S.R.L.).


    Whenever we consider it necessary, we can modify our cookies policy. We will send you a communication through one of the channels of the Platform (a banner, a pop-up or a push notification, etc.) or by email if the modification decisively changes your privacy so you can see the updates and act as best you consider. In any case, we invite you to read from time to time this cookies policy always available on our site.

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